Año Formato Referencia Palabra clave
2024 Revista Sánchez-Vázquez A, Sánchez-Vázquez B, Solís-Calderón I, Bujons-Tur A, Alcolea-Rodríguez A, Badell-Serra I. (2024). Enuresi: un repàs històric des del ritual màgic fins als tractaments actuals. Pediatr Catalana. 2023;83(4) Medicina
2024 Acta congreso Luque J.*, Margalef-Marti R., Jimenez J. Otero N., Soler A., Manzano M., Robles-Arenas V.M., Morales S., Jimenez-Martinez J., Alcolea A. Garcia-Arostegui J. L., Mas-Pla J. Gros M. (2024). The REMEDIATE Project: bioestimulation for inducing in-situ denitrification in the aquifer area discharging to the Mar Menor lagoon (Campo de Cartagena, SE Spain). Poster presentation IAH2024, Davos (Switzerland), September 2024. Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados
2024 Revista Alcaraz A., Polo M.J., Hornero J. Jimenez-Martinez J. Alcolea A., Manzano M. (2024). Computing the spatial-temporal evolution of groundwater recharge to the Quaternary aquifer of Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain) from 1970 to 2022. Ingeniería del Agua 28.3.2024. e ISSN: 1886-4996 ISSN: 1134-2196. Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados
2024 Acta congreso Zabihian F.*, Sohrabi R,, Alcolea A., Meier P., Valley B. (2024). Using borehole failure geometry and stress measurements to study stress-strength profiles in geothermal projects. PROCEEDINGS, 49th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2024, SGP-TR-227 Geotermia profunda, Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso
2024 Revista Vaezi I., Alcolea A., Meier P., Parisio F., Carrera J., Vilarrasa V. Numerical modeling of hydraulic stimulation of fractured crystalline rock at the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 176 (2024) 105689. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2024 Revista Vaezi I., Parisio F., Yoshioka K., Alcolea A., Meier P., Carrera J., Olivella O., Vilarrasa V. (2024). Implicit hydromechanical representation of fractures using continuum approach. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 183 (2024) 105916. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2022 Revista Markale I., Velasquez-Parra A., Alcolea A., Jimenez-Martınez J. (2022). Mixing Controlled Adsorption at the Liquid‑Solid Interfaces in Unsaturated Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11242-022-01747-x Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados, Flujo multifase
2021 Acta congreso Castilla R.*, Dyer B., Bethmann F., Alcolea A., Christe F., Serbeto F., Meier P., Hertrich M. (2021). Preliminary analysis of hydraulic shear stimulations in the Bredretto Lab: The link with natural fractures. Proceedings 19th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2021. Geotermia profunda, Geofísica, Well-logging, Riesgo sísmico
2021 Revista Dahrabou A., Valley B., Meier P., Brunner Ph., Alcolea A. (2021) A systematic methodology to calibrate wellbore failure models, estimate the in-situ stress tensor and evaluate wellbore cross-sectional geometry. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 149 (2022) 104935. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2021.104935. Geotermia profunda, Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso
2020 Acta congreso Meier P. *, Bethmann F., Zingg O., Alcolea A., Ollinger D., Tormann T., Castilla R. (2021) Understanding the Pohang EGS Reservoir and the Need for Advanced Traffic Light Systems. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1. Reykjavik, Iceland. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2020 Acta congreso Alcolea A. *., Meier P., Vilarrasa V., Olivella S, Carrera J. (2021). Geomechanical analysis of the hydraulic stimulations in borehole PX2 at Pohang EGS site, South Korea. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1. Reykjavik, Iceland Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2020 Acta congreso Meier P.*, Guinot F., Bethmann F., Faschingbauer R., Alcolea A., Liautaud F., Thanourey J., Schott T., Carrera J., Vilarrasa V., Genter A., Cuenot N., Mouchot J., Saar M., Kong X.-Z., Bracke R., Wittig V., Nardini I., Müller-Ruhe W., Schindler D., Zucker A., Amann F., Rausch T., Wienzek A., Buchner A., Molliet A., McMath D., Schnettler-Kristensen P., Hallundbaek S., Hallundbaek J. (2021). ZoDrEx, an European Endeavour for Optimising Zonal Isolation, Drilling and Exploitation of EGS Projects. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1. Reykjavik, Iceland. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2020 Revista Jiménez-Martínez J.J., Alcolea A., Straubhaar J. A., Renard Ph. Impact of phases distribution on mixing and reactions in unsaturated porous media. Advances in Water Resources 144 (2020) 103697. Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados, Flujo multifase
2019 Revista Alcolea A., Contreras S., Hunink J., García-Aróstegui J.L., Jiménez-Martínez J.J. Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain). Science of the Total Environment 663 (2019) 901–914. Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados
2019 Revista Alcolea A., Becker J.K., Marschall P. An automated procedure for the detailed analysis of geophysical well-logs. In: NORRIS, S., NEEFT, M. & VAN GEET, M. (eds) Multiple Roles of Clays in Radioactive Waste Confinement. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 482, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP482.9 Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de software
2019 Revista Alcolea A., Kuhlmann U., Marschall P. 3D modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone around HLW/ILW tunnels and shafts using a Marked Point Process technique. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 17 (2019) 29–46 Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2019 Acta congreso Meier P. *, Zingg O., Bethmann F., Alcolea A., Ollinger D., Tormann T, Castilla R. Understanding the Pohang EGS reservoir and the need for advanced traffic light systems. Third Schatzalp Workshop on Induced Seismicity. Davos 2019 Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2019 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Meier P., Vilarrasa V., Olivella O., Carrera J. Hydromechanical modelling of the stimulations in borehole PX2 (Pohang; South Korea). Third Schatzalp Workshop on Induced Seismicity. Davos 2019 Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2019 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Garitte B., Marschall P., Firat-Lüthi B. FE modelling Task Force and current status of data collection Mont Terri Technical meeting February 2019 Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2017 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Becker J. Automatic interpretation of geophysical well logs. 15th Swiss Geosciences Meeting 2017. Davos, Switzerland, November 2017 Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de software
2017 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Becker J. Automatic interpretation of geophysical well logs. 15th Swiss Geosciences Meeting 2017. Davos, Switzerland, November 2017 Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de software
2017 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Becker J., Marschall P. An automated procedure for the detailed analysis of geophysical well logs. ClayConf 2017. Davos, Switzerland, October 2017 Geofísica, Well-logging, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de software
2017 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Kuhlmann U., Marschall P. 3D modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone around HLW/ILW tunnels and shafts using a Marked Point Process technique. ClayConf 2017. Davos, Switzerland Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2017 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Kuhlmann U., Marschall P. 3D modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone around HLW/ILW tunnels and shafts using a Marked Point Process technique. ClayConf 2017. Davos, Switzerland Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2016 Revista Marschall P., Giger S., de La Vaissière R., Shao H., Leung H., Nussbaum Ch., Trick Th., Lanyon G.W., Senger R., Lisjak A., Alcolea A. (2016). Hydro-mechanical evolution of the EDZ as transport path for radionuclides and gas: insights from a dedicated experimental programme in the Mont Terri URL. Swiss Journal of Geosciences – Springer. doi: 10.1007/s00015-016-0246-z Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2016 Revista Alcolea A., Kuhlmann U., Marschall P., Lisjak A., Grasselli G., Mahabadi O., de La Vaissière R., Leung H., Shao H. (2016). A pragmatic approach to abstract the EDZ around tunnels of a geological radioactive waste repository. Application to the HG-A experiment in Mont Terri. In: Norris, S., Bruno, J., Van Geet, M. & Verhoef, E. (eds) Radioactive Waste Confinement: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 443, http://doi.org/10.1144/SP443.8. Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2015 Revista Pool M., Carrera J., Alcolea A. (2015). A comparison of deterministic and stochastic approaches for regional scale inverse modelling on the Mar del Plata aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.064. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2015 Acta congreso Meier P.*, Alcolea A., Bethmann F. Lessons Learned from Basel: New EGS Projects in Switzerland Using Multistage Stimulation and a Probabilistic Traffic Light System for the Reduction of Riesgo sísmico. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2015 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Kuhlmann U., Marschall P., Lisjak A., Grasselli G., Mahabadi O., de La Vaissière R., Leung H., Shao H. A pragmatic methodology to abstract the EDZ around tunnels of a geological radioactive waste repository - Application to the HG-A experiment in Mont Terri. ClayConf 2015. Brussels, Belgium, March 2015. Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2014 Revista Gischig V., Wiemer S., Alcolea A. (2014). Balancing reservoir creation and seismic hazard in enhanced geothermal systems. Geophys. J. Int. 198, 1585–1598. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2014 Acta congreso Alcolea A., Kuhlmann U. Hydraulic Conductance of the EDZ around Underground Structures of a Geological Repository for Radioactive Waste. Proceedings of the 4th EAGE Shale Workshop, Porto, Portugal, April 2014. Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2014 Acta congreso Alcolea A., Bethmann F, Meier P.*. Implementation of a probabilistic traffic light system for the reduction of seismic hazard associated with an EGS project using a hydraulic multistage stimulation in the Commune Haute-Sorne (République et Canton du Jura, Switzerland). Geotermia profunda days, Paris (2014) Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2013 Revista De Simone S., Vilarrasa V., Carrera J., Alcolea A., Meier P. (2013). Thermal coupling may control mechanical stability of geothermal reservoirs during cold water injection. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 64(1), pp. 117-126. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2013 Capítulo libro Renard Ph., Alcolea A., Ginsbourger D. (2013) Stochastic versus deterministic approaches. In Environmental models: finding simplicity in complexity. DOI: 10.1002/9781118351475.ch8 Problema inverso geoestadístico
2013 Acta congreso Meier P.*, Alcolea A. Geotermia profunda al Norte de los Alpes. Congreso sobre aspectos tecnológicos hidrogeológicos de la Geotermia, AIH-GE, Barcelona, 18-19 Abril 2013 Geotermia profunda
2013 Acta congreso De Simone, S.*, V. Vilarrasa, J. Carrera, A. Alcolea, P. Meier. Modeling the effects of hydraulic stimulation on geothermal reservoirs. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 – 12 April 2013. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2013 Acta congreso De Simone, S.*, V. Vilarrasa, J. Carrera, A. Alcolea, P. Meier. Fracture instability caused by cold water injection. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 07 – 12 April 2013. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2013 Acta congreso De Simone, S.*, V. Vilarrasa, J. Carrera, A. Alcolea, P. Meier. Thermo-Hydro-mechanical modeling of hidraulic simulation in a Geotermia profunda reservoir. Congreso sobre aspectos tecnológicos hidrogeológicos de la Geotermia, AIH-GE, Barcelona, 18-19 april 2013(poster presentation). Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2012 Acta congreso Schill E.*, Klingler P., Abdelfettah Y., Alcolea A. The role of lithological and structural changes for geothermal projects in the area of Basel. Stanford Geothermal Workshop 2012, Stanford (USA), 2012. Geotermia profunda
2011 Acta congreso De Simone S.*, Vilarrasa V., Carrera J., Alcolea A., Meier P. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical simulation of Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation. 4th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, Barcelona (Spain), 2011. Geotermia profunda, Riesgo sísmico, Modelación THM
2011 Acta congreso Papafotiou A.*, Senger R., Alcolea A., Lanyon G. W., Ewing J. Modeling Approaches for Evaluating the Effects of Heterogeneity on Two-Phase Flow Associated With the Migration of Waste-Generated Gas From SF/HLW- and L/ILW Repositories in Low-Permeability Formations. ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Parts A and B. Reims, France, September 25–29, 2011 Almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos, Modelación THM
2011 Capítulo libro Carrera J., Pool M., Abarca E., Hidalgo J.J., Slooten L.J., Vazquez-Suñe E., Sanz E., Gámez D., Alcolea A. (2011). Principios y conceptos básicos sobre intrusion marina y gestión de acuíferos costeros. In Cuatro décadas de investigaciñón y formación en aguas subterráneas. Libro Homenaje al Profesor Emilio Custodio. ISBN: 978-84-938046-1-9. Agua subterránea, Intrusión salina
2010 Revista Riva M., Guadagnini A. , De Gaspari F., Alcolea A. (2010), Exact sensitivity matrix and influence of the number of pilot points in the geostatistical inversion of moment equations of Agua subterránea flow, Water Resour. Res., 46, W11513, DOI:10.1029/2009WR008476. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico
2010 Revista Alcolea A., Renard Ph. (2010), Blocking Moving Window algorithm: Conditioning multiple-point simulations to hydrogeological data, Water Resour. Res., 46, W08511, doi:10.1029/2009WR007943. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2010 Acta congreso Bertone F.*, Boris D., Alcolea A., Renard Ph., Mariethoz G. Using a stochastic approach to reduce risks in Agua subterránea resources development: a case study in Sur, Oman. XXXVIII IAH Congress, Krakow (Poland), 2010. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2010 Acta congreso De Gaspari* F., Riva M., Alcolea A., Guadagnini A. Computationally efficient inversion of steady-state stochastic moment equations of Agua subterránea flow, XVIII International Conference on Water Resources, CMWR, J. Carrera (Ed.), proceedings on CD-ROM, Barcelona (Spain), 2010. Métodos Numéricos, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de Software
2010 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Renard Ph. The Blocking Moving Window algorithm. Conditioning multiple point simulations to connectivity and head data, XVIII International Conference on Water Resources, CMWR, J. Carrera (Ed.), proceedings on CD-ROM, Barcelona (Spain), 2010. Métodos Numéricos, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de Software
2009 Revista Silva O., Carrera J., Kumar S., Dentz M., Alcolea A., Willmann M. (2009): A general real-time formulation for multi-rate mass transfer problems, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1399-1411. Acuíferos contaminados, Difusión en la matriz
2009 Revista Hendricks Franssen H.J., Alcolea A., Riva M., Bakr M., van der Wiel N., Stauffer F., Guadagnini A. (2009), A comparison of seven methods for the inverse modelling of Agua subterránea flow. Application to the characterisation of well catchments, Advances in Water Resources, doi:10.1016 /j.advwatres.2009.02.011. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2009 Revista Alcolea A., Renard Ph., Mariethoz G., Bertone F. (2009). "Reducing the impact of a desalination plant using stochastic modeling and optimization." Journal of Hydrology, 365(3-4): 275-288. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2009 Acta congreso Glenz D.*, Renard Ph., Perrochet P., Alcolea A., Vogel A. A synthesis of available data to analyze the interaction between the Rhône River and its alluvial aquifer. Poster presentation. 7th Swiss GeoScience Meeting, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 2009. Agua subterránea, Aguas Superficiales
2009 Acta congreso Hendricks Franssen H.J.*, Alcolea A., Riva M., Bakr M., van de Wiel N., Stauffer F. , Guadagnini A. A comparison of seven inverse methods for modelling 2D steady-state Agua subterránea flow and mass transport in mildly to strongly heterogeneous synthetic aquifers, Congress of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna (Austria), 2009. Métodos Numéricos, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de Software
2008 Revista Alcolea A., Carrera J., Medina A. (2008). Regularized pilot points method for reproducing the effect of small scale variability. Application to simulations of contaminant transport. Journal of Hydrology, 355(1-4): 76-90. Acuíferos contaminados, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2008 Acta congreso Alcolea A*., Renard Ph. The blocking moving window sampler. Conditioning MP simulations to non-local hydrological data. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2008. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
2008 Acta congreso Alcolea A*., Renard Ph. The blocking moving window sampler. Conditioning MP simulations to non-local hydrological data. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2008. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
2008 Acta congreso Alcolea A., Renard Ph.*, Mariethoz G. Coupling geostatistical inversion and optimization techniques for the management of coastal aquifers. GEOSTATS , Santiago de Chile, 2008. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
2007 Revista Alcolea A., Castro E., Barbieri M., Carrera J., Bea S. A. (2007). "Inverse Modeling of Coastal Aquifers Using Tidal Response and Hydraulic Tests." Ground Water 45(6): 711–722. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2007 Acta congreso Renard Ph., Mariethoz G.*, Alcolea A. A direct sequential co-simulation algorithm and its application in hydrogeophysics. Poster presentation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2007. Problema inverso geoestadístico, Métodos Numéricos
2007 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Renard Ph., Cornaton F., Comunian A., Kerrou J., Mariethoz G. The hydrogeological compiler. A step towards Agua subterránea Integrated Modeling (GIM). Poster presentation. Congress of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna (Austria), 2007. 2nd best poster award. Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software
2007 Acta congreso Carrera J.*, Willmann M., Sanchéz-Vila X., Dentz M., Alcolea A. The path from stochastic theory to applications in Agua subterránea transport. Congress of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna (Austria), 2007. Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software, Acuíferos contaminados
2007 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Renard Ph., Mariethoz G. Geophysics in hydrogeological inverse problem: hero or villain?. Poster presentation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2007. Problema inverso geoestadístico, Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software
2006 Revista Alcolea A., Carrera J., Medina A. (2006). "Inversion of heterogeneous parabolic-type equations using the pilot points method." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 51(9-10): 963-980. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2006 Revista Alcolea A., Carrera J., Medina A. (2006). "Pilot points method incorporating prior information for solving the Agua subterránea flow inverse problem." Advances in Water Resources 29: 1678–1689. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2006 Revista Carrera J., Alcolea A., Medina A., Hidalgo J., Slooten, L. J. (2005). "Inverse problem in hydrogeology." Hydrogeology Journal 13: 206-222. Problema inverso geoestadístico
2006 Tesis Doctoral Regularized Pilot Points Method for the characterization of heterogeneity Problema inverso geoestadístico, Numerical methods
2006 Acta congreso Barbieri M.*, Alcolea A., Bea S.A., Carrera J., Castro E. Geostatistical modelling of a coastal aquifer using the response to tidal fluctuations as calibration data. SWIM, Sardinia (Italy), 2006. Agua subterránea, Problema inverso geoestadístico, RPPM
2006 Acta congreso Carrera, J.*, P. Gouze, M. Willmann, Y. Méléan, M. Dentz, T. Le Borgne, A. Alcolea, X. Sànchez-Vila. Memory Functions to Represent Transport Through Heterogeneous Media: Can They Make Physical Sense?. AGU Fall Meeting 2006, San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December 2006 Acuíferos contaminados, Difusión en la matriz, Métodos Numéricos
2006 Acta congreso Trinchero P.*, Castro A., Sanchez-Vila X., Alcolea A. Interpretation of hydraulic and tracer tests in highly heterogeneous fractured media by geostatistical inversion. SWIM, Sardinia (Italy), 2006. Problema inverso geoestadístico, Agua subterránea, Acuíferos contaminados
2006 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Carrera J., Medina A. Regularized Pilot Points Method for reproducing small scale variability of hydraulic conductivity. Application to contaminant transport. Poster Presentation. AGU Joint Assembly, Baltimore (USA), 2006. Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software, Acuíferos contaminados
2005 Acta congreso Weinzettel P.,* Alcolea A., Vives L., Medina A., Usunoff E. Metodología de modelación en la zona no saturada. Aplicación a la cuenca del arroyo azul. ALSHUD Meeting, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2005. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
2005 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Carrera J., Medina A. Pilot Points Method for the Characterization of Heterogeneous Fields: Hero or Villain?. Poster presentation. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco (USA) , 2005. Best poster award. Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software
2003 Capítulo libro Alcolea A., A. Medina (2003). Agua subterránea flow in porous media. In Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), Unesco Series, number 20, 19 pages. eBook publication. Agua subterránea
2002 Acta congreso Alcolea A.,* Jódar J., Medina A., Carrera J. Problema inverso geoestadístico: a modified technique for characterizing heterogeneous fields. GEOENV, Barcelona (Spain), 2002. Problema inverso geoestadístico, Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software
2001 Capítulo libro Alcolea A., Ayora C., Bernet O., Bolzicco J., Carrera J., Cortina J. L., Coscera G., de Pablo J., Domenech C., Galache J., Gibert O., Knudby C., Mantecon R., Manzano M., Saaltink M., Silgado A. (2001). Barrera geoquimica. In Boletin Geologico y Minero(Special edition "Las aguas y los suelos tras el accidente de Aznalcollar"): 229-257. Acuíferos contaminados, Problema Inverso
2001 Revista Carrera J., Medina A., Vives L., Alcolea A., Marcuello A., Jodar J., Benet I., Saaltink M., Vazquez-Suñe E., Sanchez-Vila X., Sendros D., Ramajo H. (2001). "Modelació del flux i transport de soluts en medis porosos." TERAFLOP, Journal of CESCA, Special Centre for Super Computation of Catalonia 61: 29-30 Métodos Numéricos, Desarrollo de Software
2000 Acta congreso Medina A., Alcolea A., Carrera J. Modelos de flujo y transporte en la geosfera: el código TRANSIN4. IV Jornadas de I+D en gestión de residuos radiactivos. Barcelona 2000 Métodos Numéricos, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de Software
1999 Tesina Especialidad A hybrid Marquardt Simulated Annealing method for solving the Agua subterránea inverse problem. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
1999 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Galarza G. Estimación de parámetros empíricos asociados a funciones no lineales. First Integrated World Congress on Agua subterránea Fortaleza (Brazil), 1999. Agua subterránea, Problema Inverso, Métodos Numéricos
1999 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Carrera J., Medina A. A Hybrid Marquardt-Simulated Annealing method for solving the Agua subterránea inverse problem. Model Care ’99, Zurich (Switzerland), 1999. Problema inverso geoestadístico, Métodos Numéricos
1999 Acta congreso Alcolea A.*, Medina A. Estimación de parámetros específicos asociados a funciones no lineales. International Congress of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Sevilla (Spain), 1999. Métodos Numéricos, Problema Inverso, Desarrollo de Software