Hello and welcome to HydroGeoModels Inc.! My name is Andrés Alcolea. I am Doctor Civil Engineer and Hydrogeologist with 20 years of experience in the fields of groundwater, contaminated aquifers, geothermal, geotechnical engineering, statistical data analysis, scientific programming and, in a broader sense, geosciences. I have been Associate Professor at the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain) and Scientific Collaborator at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). I author/coauthor numerous papers in scientific peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings (click here to download). During the time of my Ph.D. Thesis, I developed the Geostatistical Regularized Pilot Points Method (RPPM) for the characterization of highly heterogeneous fields. For that achievement, I was awarded in 2006 with the Outstanding Student Award of the American Geosciences Union. In fact, the RPPM has become a standard method for model calibration in fields like, e.g., hydrogeology or geothermal.
Outside academia, my positions dealt with team management, marketing, project leading and quality control. I have worked for two renowned Swiss companies, covering both sides of engineering, i.e., consulting and project implementation. This makes me understand the importance of obtaining cost-balanced and technically sounding solutions in a short frame of time, thus satisfying client's needs.
In 2017, I founded HydroGeoModels Inc. HydroGeoModels Inc. focuses on solving challenging problems related to the management and protection of water resources (either surface or groundwater bodies), to the protection against natural risks (e.g., flood events, aquifer contamination, rock slides, etc.) and other environmental and engineering issues. HydroGeoModels Inc. counts on the experience gained in more than 100 projects worldwide to bring reliable, plausible, creative and cost-balanced solutions satisfying clients’ needs.